Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Open Bar?

There has been a lot of discussion on the subject of "Open Bar".

Should we spring for an open bar?

Well truth is that depends on the venue of the reception. Open bars may be the most expensive choice. You have to cover all the tastes, habits and preferences, from your scotch drinking uncle to your cosmo-sipping friends.

There are options for you. You can have no bar (which can get ugly) or a cash bar (which some might consider tacky).

My suggestion to help trim costs, have a limited-time open bar-just during the cocktail hour, and then shift to wine with dinner. Offer a signature cocktail rather than a full range, plus wine and beer. Though the costs also depend on the length of time the bar is open, as a general rule you can shave about 30 percent off the total bill by limiting the hard liquor.

All in all it is your wedding, with trends and traditions being changed so often you do what is best for you and your overall budget. Please if anyone has additional questions please ask.


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