Monday, August 23, 2010

How Can We Stop the Cell Phones?

I received the following question or concern. "I recently attended a wedding. Everything was perfect except for one thing: It was interrupted several times by the ringing of a cell phone. Is there a tactful way to tell wedding guests to turn off their cell phones."

I have found the best way to deal with cell phones at a wedding is to stop it before it begins. There are several ways to accomplish this. Print a tasteful little notice in your ceremony program if you decide to give programs to guests. You could write something like: "We wish to remind you to please turn off your cell phone ringer and to refrain from using your phone during our wedding ceremony. Thank you!" or you could notify everyone as they sign the guest book just before they enter your ceremony site. You could put an attractive sign next to the guest book and the sign would have the same message. If you do not have a program and you are not having a guest book, then just have the Minister or Officiant make the announcement.

Please keep your questions coming, I look forward to our next blog.


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